Q: I want to communicate my employment goals to my supervisor. What is the best way to communicate and track my development goals?
A: We encourage all employees to set their personal performance goals in ADP. Go to the Myself tab, and under “Talent,” click on Performance Goals. This will allow you to create a performance goal for your supervisor to review and approve, along with an option to provide your supervisor with feedback on how you are working towards that goal.
Q: I want to develop my professional skills - is there additional training available for me to take?
A: Yes! We have additional training for you to take through ADP Learn! You can open the ADP Learn site by going to your Resources Tab under My Tools and Select Training. ADP Learn serves as an invaluable resource for all employees. This platform offers a wide array of training courses throughout the year, covering diverse professional topics.
Q: Are there additional employee resources available in ADP and outside of ADP?
A: Yes! Additional employee resources are available in the ADP Forms Library under the Resources tab AND on the S Drive. Here is the file path for additional employee resources on the S Drive: "S:\Departments\Employee Resources\Training and Development Resources"
Q: Although the majority of Liviniti employees work remotely, are there ways we can connect with our team members company-wide?
A: Yes! We have multiple opportunities to connect with team members company-wide:
- Employee of the Month
- Espresso Yourself with HR
- LIV' n Learn
- All Employee Town Hall
- I'm Livin It Praise Channel
If you have any questions regarding any of these resources, please submit an HR Ticket for more information.
Q: If I missed a Lunch and Learn, are there recordings available for employees to access?
A: Yes! All Lunch and Learns are recorded and saved on the S Drive for employees to access at their convenience. Here is the file path: "S:\Departments\Employee Resources\Training and Development Resources\Lunch and Learns\2024"