Q: Is there important contact information I should save in case I have questions?
A: To contact the Human Resources team, please submit an HR ticket through our HR Ticketing System: https://southernscripts-hr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us. If you do not have access to your work device, please email us at hr@liviniti.com.
To contact our IT Department, please submit an IT Ticket at https://helpdesk.southernscripts.net/hc/en-us or email tickets@liviniti.com. If you do not have access to your work device, please call (318)214-4172.
Q: Are there any links I should bookmark?
A: Yes!
- The Edge: https://ehnhllc.sharepoint.com/sites/TheEdge
- Human Resources Tickets: https://southernscripts-hr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
- IT Tickets: https://helpdesk.southernscripts.net/hc/en-us